
Circulariteit in de praktijk met Zwols Essen

Circularity in practice with Zwols Essen

We are in the middle of the transition to a circular economy. Or rather: at the beginning. The realization is beginning to land that our current linear economy is not...

Circularity in practice with Zwols Essen

We are in the middle of the transition to a circular economy. Or rather: at the beginning. The realization is beginning to land that our current linear economy is not...

Inkopen met impact

Purchasing with impact

We realize all too well that you can make an impact with purchasing. Especially if we work together on this, as with the Custodial Institutions Agency last year. We are...

Purchasing with impact

We realize all too well that you can make an impact with purchasing. Especially if we work together on this, as with the Custodial Institutions Agency last year. We are...

Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Social Return on Investment (SROI)

SROI, what are you going to do with it? All those conditions and obligations can be inconvenient, but it can also bring many benefits. Together with clients and customers, we...

Social Return on Investment (SROI)

SROI, what are you going to do with it? All those conditions and obligations can be inconvenient, but it can also bring many benefits. Together with clients and customers, we...

Binthout snijdt hout

Binthout cuts wood

With us, every employee is just a colleague. We make beautiful products and that is paramount. Well, we'll look for each employee how that work best suits his or her...

Binthout cuts wood

With us, every employee is just a colleague. We make beautiful products and that is paramount. Well, we'll look for each employee how that work best suits his or her...

Sociale onderneming starten

I also want to be a social entrepreneur

So you want social entrepreneurship? Nice! But what is that then? For us, it means creating positive social and environmental impact in everything we do. We distinguish between social impact...

I also want to be a social entrepreneur

So you want social entrepreneurship? Nice! But what is that then? For us, it means creating positive social and environmental impact in everything we do. We distinguish between social impact...

FSC® gecertificeerd design van Nederlands hout

FSC® certified design of Dutch wood

From tree to end product When Binthout was founded, it was immediately decided to work exclusively with native or Dutch wood. This resulted in the processing of, among other things,...

FSC® certified design of Dutch wood

From tree to end product When Binthout was founded, it was immediately decided to work exclusively with native or Dutch wood. This resulted in the processing of, among other things,...